Current Issue

Sial Journal of Medical Sciences is the official publication of Sialkot Medical College, Sialkot. The first issue was published in September, 2022. Our journal covers clinical and research works in all aspects of medical sciences. The journal aims to contribute to cure of diseases and improvement in the health. The manuscripts are categorized as original research articles, clinical observations, review articles, short reports and special feature articles in the field of this journal. The journal intends to cover health as a whole in pathological, mental and social aspects.
Sial Journal of Medical Sciences is the official publication of Sialkot Medical College, Sialkot. The first issue was published in September, 2022. Our journal covers clinical and research works in all aspects of medical sciences. The journal aims to contribute to cure of diseases and improvement in the health. The manuscripts are categorized as original research articles, clinical observations, review articles, short reports and special feature articles in the field of this journal. The journal intends to cover health as a whole in pathological, mental and social aspects. Thus the contributors are requested to send manuscripts that should meet the criteria i.e.
1. The material is original
2. The study methods are appropriate
3. Data are sound
4. The discussion should contain international reference regarding results
5. The conclusions are reasonable and supported by the data.
6. The article is written in reasonably good English.
Manuscripts which do not follow the guidelines are likely to be sent back to authors without initiating the peer review process.
All accepted manuscripts are subject to editorial modifications to suit the
language and style of Sial Journal of Medical Sciences. Manuscripts once accepted will be edited and returned to author for approval. If desired, the editor may be asked to share the data which will be kept confidential. The journal shall be published quarterly and official language of Sial Journal of Medical Sciences is English, Concise US English dictionary is used as a reference for spellings and hyphenation. The journal shall be distributed to all medical colleges, libraries and related institutes.
Manuscripts for publication are accepted from authors both within the country and from abroad. These should be prepared in accordance with the fifth edition of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals established by Vancouver group (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE) originally published in New England Journal of Medicine 1997, 336 309-15. The complete document, updated December, 2010 appears at http:/www.icmje.org/index.html and should not have been offered for publication elsewhere or published previously. If so, permission for re publication must be enclosed from the editors/copy holders. Authors should disclose at the time of submission, information on financial conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript.
All accepted manuscripts should be accompanied by a signed undertaking statement of authorship by all authors regarding their qualification, designation, affiliation, contribution and responsibility. Financial disclosure and acknowledgement, as per standard format at the end of the instruction to the author should be declared. The statement with original signatures is to be sent. Scanned copy of manuscript should be submitted by the corresponding authors by email, which should indicate the address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for correspondence in the title page of manuscripts.